That's me. I'm a Rockstar! 4 months ago, I joined the gym, aiming to do some classes in order to mix it up a bit. It took me another month to actually summon up the nerve to walk into the group fitness classroom, and then it was with a girlfriend at my side.
Today, for my SSS, I went in there, with two GF's, to do 4 classes back to back. I woke up this morning feeling a bit nervous. What was I on about? It was easy. Well, maybe not easy. I had sweat slicking my hair to my neck, and I couldn't feel my toes at one point. However, we proved that we are strong, capable women who can do anything we put our minds to. 4.10 hrs later, and 1523 calories gone.
My next milestone is to conquer the 10km Fun Run at the end of October. 2 weeks after that I have a 14km run in Melbourne.
Who knew that this couch potato would be putting herself out there and living an active life?
I sort of thought that everyone was used to my new self, but today, 4 different people asked me if I'd lost more weight. I can feel my face is more defined, and I think that my boobs are finally shrinking. I'm still a bit sick of defending myself. People keep asking if I'm done losing weight, and I smile firmly and tell them that my BMI still classes me as "overweight". I need to stop listening to these people. Even my gorgeous hubby asked me if I only had "about 2 more kilos" to lose. Bwahahahaha. No, my love. Try 11kg. Compared to where I was, I would probably be happy here, but since I'm such an "all or nothing" sort of person, I strive to achieve my goal. And achieve it, I will!
Today, for my SSS, I went in there, with two GF's, to do 4 classes back to back. I woke up this morning feeling a bit nervous. What was I on about? It was easy. Well, maybe not easy. I had sweat slicking my hair to my neck, and I couldn't feel my toes at one point. However, we proved that we are strong, capable women who can do anything we put our minds to. 4.10 hrs later, and 1523 calories gone.
My next milestone is to conquer the 10km Fun Run at the end of October. 2 weeks after that I have a 14km run in Melbourne.
Who knew that this couch potato would be putting herself out there and living an active life?
I sort of thought that everyone was used to my new self, but today, 4 different people asked me if I'd lost more weight. I can feel my face is more defined, and I think that my boobs are finally shrinking. I'm still a bit sick of defending myself. People keep asking if I'm done losing weight, and I smile firmly and tell them that my BMI still classes me as "overweight". I need to stop listening to these people. Even my gorgeous hubby asked me if I only had "about 2 more kilos" to lose. Bwahahahaha. No, my love. Try 11kg. Compared to where I was, I would probably be happy here, but since I'm such an "all or nothing" sort of person, I strive to achieve my goal. And achieve it, I will!
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