Monday, September 5, 2011


I'm feeling a little cranky today.  I guess it had to come, but I wasn't prepared for this just yet...  I'm starting to get loads of comments about how I "surely don't need to lose any more weight".  In the scheme of things, it's sort of a compliment I guess, but it makes me feel angry.  I know that it's more about the person who says it than it is about me (ie, their own body image issues) but I am getting sick of it.

Here are the facts.  Yes, I've lost 20kg.  BUT, I was 35kg overweight for God's sake.  You do the math.  My BMI still puts me in "Overweight" category.  

So, I don't care if me losing weight is confronting to anyone else, I'm going to keep going until my BMI within the healthy weight range.

Vent over...  back to normal transmission...


  1. You know I get that now too....and I sometimes think that they really think we look good as we are...but the whole BMI and healthy weight range, which is not always evident under clothes is what keeps us going....we can do it! God I just want to see a BMI of 25!

  2. I think that they are used to seeing us overweight, and so the slimmed down version looks "enough". If I showed them a pic of me from 20 years ago, they'd probably agree with me.
    Bring on the BMI of 25! So close, and yet so far!!
