Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 2 weigh in...

Drum roll please...

Today was the Week 2 weigh in, and my loss for this week was:


That's a total of 3kg since the program started 10 days ago. Yay

Monday, May 30, 2011

Who is this girl?

Had to check in again, if only so that I can look back and read this! You might want to lean in real close to the screen, 'cause I'm going to say this very quietly: I think I might be enjoying running. For real! Which leads me to ask, who is this girl, and where is the real Annie? Honestly... I wasn't really feeling the love this morning when I thought about exercise. It took a few internal "JFDI's" to get my runners on, and to get me out the door. First km or so, I was still grumbling internally. Finally, once I started on the open road, I looked ahead to a tree and told myself that I'd jog until I reached it. Then, once I reached it, I set out another marker. I outdid myself three times before my heart felt like it might effing explode! LOL Then, I walked for 40 seconds or so, then took off at a trot again. Most days so far, I've mostly walked with a couple of short runs in there. Today, I reckon the ratio was almost 50:50.

My goal is to jog 1km without stopping by the end of Week 4.

Week 2, Day 2

I feel like I'm really getting into the swing of this now, and hopefully starting to break some old habits and lay down some new ones. I haven't felt deprived of anything, or that I'm missing out. Having said that, I haven't yet had any social functions to attend, and this is where the temptation will test me.

When I got home from work at 10pm on the weekend, I would usually pour a glass of wine to help me unwind before bed, and I really missed that for a little while. I ended up making a Jarrah hot choc (within my calorie allowance) and found that it did just as good a job as the wine.

I find it amazing how much my body has already adapted to exercise! At the start of last week, once I got my HR up, it stayed up there for ages. Now, as I obviously get fitter, it's dropping back to normal very quickly when I slow down. This is good for my fitness, but not good for my calorie expenditure. I'm already having to work heaps harder to get the 500+ calories burned everyday. I really need to join a gym and do some classes, but need to wait until mid-June when we have some free $$. Hubby started a new job recently, and now gets paid monthly, so this is already testing us!! LOL

Being the wicked girl that I am, I snuck onto the scales yesterday morning, again! The official weekly weigh in is tomorrow, so I'll unveil the final figure then, but can I just say? Mish rocks, and I wonder why I didn't do this ages ago. I can't believe how many kgs I've smashed in the space of a week!!

Actually, I know why I didn't do this ages ago. I know it's all about "no excuses" and "taking responsibility", but honestly, I think each person needs to reach a point in their life where they are ready to take on something like this. When the reality of your physical self becomes too much to put up with... I have had Mish's Crunch Time book for about 6 months, but it all just seemed too hard, and she sounded too harsh for my liking. (LOL) Back in April, something clicked, and I just knew that I was ready, willing and able to do this.

I'll be back tomorrow with my Week 2 weigh in. I've had my yummy breakfast of Grated apple and ricotta on raisin toast, and mid morning I'm off to do my workout - today is toning, so just a 10 min powerwalk followed by some circuit work. Fricken burpees are on the agenda today. Groan...

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Day 5

I couldn't help it. I felt so incredible, that I had to get on the scales again. Wow! Total of 1.6kg gone already. And so it should, I've been working out like a demon.

Today was pretty easy, just some Core work. It's weird, I almost feel like I haven't done enough, and feel tempted to do more, but as Mish said last night, in her live video feed, we need to stop overthinking it. Trust her, trust the program.

Besides, Saturdays are home to the SSS (Super Saturday Session) where she wants us to burn over 1000calories. Yikes! Considering how busy tomorrow is going to be, I'm going to have to get up super early to fit that in. I've mapped out an 8km route that I'm going to walk/jog. Hopefully, that'll take about 1.5hrs, and kill about 1000 calories. Then, it's off to watch kids sport, and then off to work. Joy, oh joy!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Day Four

I feel so amazing! I have exercised every day for four days, eaten 1200 calories or less for four days, and have had no alcohol or junk for four days. I have also lost 1kg in four days. Woo fricken hoo!

I mean, I knew this worked. We all know it works. I just had to get my head around it, and stop making excuses.

My favourite excuse was "I'm not as fat as her (random woman I see in the supermarket)" but, my friends, the proof was in the pudding when it came time to take a "Before" pic in my bra and undies. OMFG. Who is that bloated, sad, obese woman looking back at me??

The training has been do-able, if a little challenging. The endorphin rush, and the total calories lost after each session make it all worthwhile though. Not to mention the falling numbers on the scale. We are only supposed to weigh in every Wednesday, and since we started on a Monday, we were weighing in on the morning of day 3. I lost 700g, which didn't seem like a lot compared to some people (1.5 - 2.6kg in three days) but I'd just started my period on the Monday and I know that I can retain up to a litre of fluid at this time. Just to make sure everything was heading in the right direction, I got on the scales again this morning, and another 300g down, which brings my total to 1kg. I'll refrain from checking again until Wednesday (if I can!).

Breakfast: 2 slices wholegrain bread, toasted. Topped with cottage cheese mixed with fresh chives, tomato slices and rocket.
Lunch: Chicken noodle soup, with toasted bread (no butter). I didn't have the toast.
Tea: Chargrilled steak with corn and avocado salsa.

For snacks, I've had a tub of Forme yoghurt mid morning and mid arvo, just 'cause I love them, but the list of snacks is huge.

Today I did Mish's toning DVD, then went for a 1.5hr brisk walk.

I'm so pumped. I know there'll be times when I weaken and lack motivation, but I plan to listen to Mish's podcasts and videos on the 12wbt site when that happens. She's so motivating. I love the way she doesn't sugar coat anything. She tells us that we got ourselves into this mess, and only I can get myself out of it! So true.


Here I go!

Hello! My name is Annie, I just turned 40, and I'm FAT. I never meant to get this large, but it happened, and I need to take full responsibility for it. I'm out of excuses, sick of feeling like this, and I think turning 40 was the turning point for me. I can either keep doing what I'm doing and stay miserable, or I can make changes, take responsibility for my actions, and do something about it.

Enter, Michelle Bridges and her 12 Week Body Transformation program. I signed up at the end of April, knowing that the program would start on the 23rd May. That allowed me to celebrate my 40th birthday (at the start of May) with no holds barred. I ate and drank whatever I wanted!!

I've had a go at a few things over the years: Weight Watchers, Bootcamp, Body Trim etc. They all worked in the short term, but I needed a program that covered all the bases. Food, Exercise, and the Mind. Mish's program fits the bill. In fact, in the few weeks leading up to "kick off" she set all sorts of Pre-Season tasks for me to complete, most of them dealing with the inner dialogue that goes on in my head, and the many, many excuses I can come up with for NOT doing this, or for allowing myself to eat THAT etc.

So, here goes. I hope to end the 12 weeks with a new frame of mind, a new body, feeling much fitter, and the tools to take me into my next 40 years with a much better attitude.